Status: AKTIV
Hedelykken 2, Fløng 2640 Hedehusene
Unifiedpost Payments, filial af Unifiedpost Payments SA, Belgium er en virksomhed af typen Filial af udenlandsk aktieselskab, kommanditakties (FAS) med virksomhedstypekoden 170 i branchen 661900 Andre hjælpetjenester i forbindelse med finansiel formidling.
Unifiedpost Payments, filial af Unifiedpost Payments SA, Belgium blev etableret den 10-06-2021 og holder til på adressen Hedelykken 2, Fløng
2640 Hedehusene.
Filialens formål er in its own name or on behalf of third parties, is to provide any payment service in accordance with the Belgian laws of payment services and of the status of payment institutions, access to the activity of payment service providers and access to payment systems, including services offered for sale within the scope of a professional activity.
Virksomheden er ikke reklamebeskyttet.
Der er ikke registreret nogen kapital for denne virksomhed.
Status: Virksomheden Unifiedpost Payments, filial af Unifiedpost Payments SA, Belgium (CVR: 42457825) er AKTIV
CVR nummer
Hedelykken 2, Fløng
2640 Hedehusene
Filial af udenlandsk aktieselskab, kommanditakties
Stamdata for Unifiedpost Payments, filial af Unifiedpost Payments SA, Belgium
CVR nummer:
Evt. binavne
Filial af udenlandsk aktieselskab, kommanditakties
Hedelykken 2, Fløng
2640 Hedehusene
Ingen numre registreret.
Ingen hjemmeside registreret.
Filialens formål er in its own name or on behalf of third parties, is to provide any payment service in accordance with the Belgian laws of payment services and of the status of payment institutions, access to the activity of payment service providers and access to payment systems, including services offered for sale within the scope of a professional activity.
Virksomheden er ikke reklamebeskyttet.
Øvrige oplysninger
2640 Hedehusene