GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP

GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP er aktiv i 1 virksomhed

I virksomheden Monta Holding ApS er GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP og ejerregister.

GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP startede sin erhvervskarriere i Danmark i 2024, i virksomheden Monta Holding ApS. Her startede GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP som og ejerregister. Virksomheden er stadig aktiv og GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP har været aktiv i virksomheden i sammenlagt 1 år.









Aktuelle roller

Aktuelle roller Bruttofortjeneste Årets resultat Balance
Monta Holding ApS
-4.735 DKK -19.189 DKK 80.974 DKK




GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP

Casper Holzmann Rasmussen (1 relationer)
Tommy Andersen (1 relationer)
Louise Krogh Rindom (1 relationer)


Virksomhed Ejerandel Bruttofortjeneste Årets resultat Balance
Monta Holding ApS
5 %
-4.735 DKK -19.189 DKK 80.974 DKK

Alle GreenPoint Real Estate Innovation and Technology Venture LP relationer

Relation Virksomhed Rolle
Casper Holzmann Rasmussen
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 15-12-2021 -
Direktion 15-12-2021 -
Pale Blue Dot Investments AB
Monta Holding ApS EJERREGISTER 15-12-2021 -
Stiftere 15-12-2021 -
Tommy Andersen
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 15-12-2021 -
Louise Krogh Rindom
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 15-12-2021 -
Jan Staffan Helgesson
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 17-12-2021 -
Adrienne Gormley
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 01-01-2023 -
Juan Muldoon Landa
Monta Holding ApS Bestyrelse 29-11-2022 -
Headline Europe VII GmbH & Co. KG
Monta Holding ApS EJERREGISTER 17-12-2021 -
David Martyn Scott
Monta Holding ApS Stiftere 15-12-2021 -
Pirate Impact Capital GmbH
Monta Holding ApS Stiftere 15-12-2021 -
Nielsen Ventures Limited
Monta Holding ApS Stiftere 15-12-2021 -